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The workshop will take place online. Check how to Participate!


This hands-on online workshop brings together researchers and practitioners to discuss the cultural aspects of Human-Drone Interaction design. An increasing body of work shows that the one-fits-all model of interaction might be obsolete, especially when considering natural interactions where people use gesture and voice that are culturally dependent.

In the first part of the workshop, attendee will hear from leading experts in Human-Drone Interaction and in the use of drones in Latin America. As a group, we will discuss ideas around social drone designs and leverage everyone's expertise to discuss cultural aspects when designing effective and enjoyable interactions. The second part of the workshop will be a hands-on activity involving a participatory design task for human-drone interaction. The workshop goal is to develop a road-map for cross cultural interactions with drones.



APPLICATION - May 31st, 2020 (updated)

NOTIFICATION - June 8th, 2020 (updated)
ONLINE WORKSHOP - June 15th, 2020


An increasing body of research in Human-Computer and Human-Robot Interaction highlights cross-cultural differences in terms of how people behave with technology. For instance, some of our prior work shows that there are significant differences in how people naturally interact with a flying robot. While most of the world’s technology is being developed in the US and China “Silicon Valleys”, it becomes primordial to think about how people actually want to interact with technologies and whether cultural models need to be taken into consideration. In this workshop we propose to discuss topics around the multicultural aspects of human-robot interaction, focusing on the example of a social robot. 

PDC2020 in Colombia is an exceptional venue for this workshop as it is a truly multi-cultural conference with local researchers and attendees from Latin America.

This hands-on workshop will bring together human-computer interaction researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and discuss results and methodologies about the future of cross-cultural human-robot interactions.

The workshop’s objectives are as follow:

  1. Bring together a community of researchers interested in cross-cultural design and interaction

  2. Have researchers present their ideas and receive feedback on their work

  3. Develop novel concepts and methodologies for multi-cultural HRI using a participatory design activity.

  4. Establish a road-map for cross-cultural technology design and explore future collaborations.

The workshop’s results will be submitted for publication and attendees will be invited to collaborate on the research paper.

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